Saving a Partially Completed Application

The Universal Licensing System enables you to save a partially completed application for completion at a later date. Saved applications must be completed within 30 days. After 30 days, the application is automatically deleted from the system.

Save an Application

To save a partially completed application, click the Next Page button on the Main Form Application screen. Your application is automatically saved in the system and given a status of "Incomplete".

Note: An application is not officially submitted until the system redisplays the confirmation message containing the application file number. If you do not fully submit your application, it will not be processed by the FCC and will be purged from the system after 30 days.

Open an Application

To open a saved application, log into the system using the TIN associated with the saved application. After logging in successfully, the system displays a list of pending and incomplete applications. Each application on the list is identified by application status, date entered, file number/call sign (if applicable), purpose, radio service, and applicant name. Click the link of the desired application to open it.

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