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Universal Licensing System
PubSafty/SpecEmer/PubSaftyNtlPlan,806-817/851-862MHz,Trunked License - WPDG831 - Indiana, State of (IPSC)
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Call Sign WPDG831   Radio Service YE - PubSafty/SpecEmer/PubSaftyNtlPlan,806-817/851-862MHz,Trunked
arrow An Error has occurred. Please contact Technical Support
Phone: 1-877-480-3201
TTY: 1-717-338-2824
ASL Videophone: 1-844-432-2274
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. ET (except for Federal Holidays)
And report the following information.

Error at Thu, May 30 at 21:35:45 EDT on Server wireless2.fcc.gov:kern2.fcc.gov
Error Message
Exception Message null